Hran Tzu
    Hran Tzu
    Powers: Soul-reading, Life Siphoning Flames, Poisonous Blood, Venomous Bite, Hypnotic Voice, Illusion Creation and Control, Shadow Teleportation.

    Bahlta Demons fall under the Legion of Reikouu; the legion most known for sowing fear and discourse in the world. Those who follow Reikouu are dark, twisted, creatures that are driven by corruption. A Bahlta is an Aggressor Demon that is a mix of serpent, feline, and wraith. They have skulls for heads, and lack any visible eyes (their 'eye sockets' are smooth and empty). They have a cobra-like hood around their necks, and their bodies tend toward a feline tilt. They have burning 'wicks' that extend from the top of their shoulders, and are ever-burning with ghostly blue flame. These blue flames have the ability to siphon life from any creatures that are near a Bahlta, and they siphon the life so slowly that those who spend a lot of time around a Bahlta won't even realize they're losing their lifeforce until it's too late. While a Bahlta has the ability to control the intensity of the life-siphoning, they usually don't turn it off completely. They need the lifeforce to survive, as they don't actually eat or drink anything.
    Their blood is poisonous; it'll kill within twenty minutes of ingestion. Their bite is venomous; it'll kill within an hour if it's not treated by a Healer.
    His voice can take on a Hypnotic force, allowing him to make suggestions to others that they can't ignore unless they're immune to psychic tampering. He can create illusions that'll appear like mirages. These illusions can't cause physical harm, but the psychological damage they can cause is immeasurable. He has the ability to teleport from shadows, able to step through one shadow and teleport to another.
    Bahlta Demons are compatible with Raveens and Raveen-compatible Species, as well as Graephs and other Aggressor Demons.