    Powers: Mage-reading, Knowledge Gather, Photographic Memory, Memory Recall, Scroll Creation, Wingless Flight. Instant Healing and Regeneration.

    A Natural Demon of the Knowledge variety, he's naturally attuned with all forms of knowledge and learning. He's driven to learn and study as much as he can, with his goal being to keep all knowledge known and safe. The scrolls upon his back weigh a ton, but he's able to carry them around as if they weighed nothing (others won't be so lucky if they attempted to pick the scrolls up). Knowledge Demons are very protective of knowledge, and are tasked with collecting and preserving as much of it as they can. From the time they're young they start writing down what they learn, and keeping it safely wrapped up in scrolls only they can read.
    He has a Photographic Memory - able to perfectly recall anything he's read or seen. He has the natural ability to 'gather' knowledge from others when he's near them, by simply engaging in conversation with them enough for their minds to relax. It's a unconscious action that transfers the learned knowledge of someone else over to him - in pieces that only make sense when he later writes it down in a scroll. He gains glimpses into their memories, and learns what they did from those memories. It allows for him to learn from anyone he comes into contact with - though some might not be too forgiving of finding out their secrets/memories are so easily attained by him.
    He can create scrolls at will, though he prefers to stick with the elder scrolls he already has in the works. Too many scrolls are easy to lose - the less of them, the easier it is to keep protected.
    While no one can read his scrolls, that all changes if something were to take control of his mind or kill him. Once his protection is gone, the scrolls become readable by anyone.