Vattuu & Sabik
    Powers: Mage-reading, Teleportation,Thrall / Hypnotic Voice. Immunity to Thralls, Hypnosis, and Mind-altering Illusions. True Sight Subversion. Regeneration and Healing. Invulnerable Shell. Raveen Form (One Time Permanent Shift).

    She's been following the Sand Kat around since she was a small, almost-hatchling. Back then she was the size of a lake turtle, and he'd seemed like a giant in her eyes. Alone and needing protection from those who would kill her for her shell, she was quick to make friends with him. She's now been travelling with him for years, and while she's guarded around other Raveens, she's confident that her friend won't betray her.
    Squire Demons are often dismissed as harmless, but they shouldn't be. Squires are masters at manipulating others, and have the ability to tell lies that confuse and subvert True Sight. She can tell a lie, and it will feel like the truth to someone with True Sight (or the reverse; she could tell the truth, but have it feel like a lie).
    She has the ability to shift into a Raveen Form, but it's a one-time shift. Since she currently has no need to take on a larger form, it's a power she'll likely be disinclined to use (or even reveal).
    Her shell is completely invulnerable to harm by any means.